2023 Yearly Review
Flow Finance
Flow Finance was a great little project which gave me some insight into small parts of product design, marketing, and copywriting. Also a great chance to use a lightweight web design framework which I really enjoyed (using Tailwind CSS, which was new to me). On the whole, I learned a lot from this project and enjoyed the experience of packaging up a tool I have been using personally and creating a more cohesive product.
Using the Airtable API with Eleventy Collections
Using the Airtable API with Eleventy Collections was a relatively detailed technical guide explaining how I connect the new Airtable API to Eleventy to generate collections of media, writing, links, etc. I found the process of documenting this useful in itself, and I know this was of some help to multiple people as I received positive feedback through email about this piece. I think this type of post can be very useful for bringing niche traffic to my blog.
Anki Flashcards with Additional Metadata
Anki Flashcards with Additional Metadata was a fairly short post on the concept of custom Anki flashcards, which obviously appeals to a very small minority of people but was nonetheless very useful to think through properly. This post was a perfect example of using my writing as a way to think, and I believe I benefitted greatly from doing so. I would like to do more writing like this in the future to formalize my ideas more clearly.